ACI Fellowship Program
A new opportunity for excelling students to continue their education with our instructors, and even use the program to fulfill their externship requirements.
Starting November 10th, we are rolling out the new ACI Fellowship Program. This is an opportunity for students that have demonstrated excellent performance at the school to continue their educational experience at the school, with our instructors.
At the start of each 6 week block we will select one Culinary Arts and one Baking and Pastry Fellow for the program. Then, for the next 6 weeks, you will work side by side with our instructors on various projects to advance your education.
This is a high-level position that will be focusing on pushing you to the next level of your career. Some of the rules and regulations are listed below to qualify you for the position. It will be an honor to be chosen, because you will have demonstrated a real commitment to your education at ACI.
While most of the Fellowship curriculum will be determined beforehand, part of the experience is for each Fellow to choose extra projects they would like to focus on during the program. You will work hard. It will be challenging. But, you WILL be a better culinarian when the experience is over.
1) The student must be finished with the in-house portion of the program.
2) Must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
3) Must be in good standing with the school financially.
4) This is NOT a paid position.
5) The student must apply for the position, and will be selected by the faculty.
6) The fellow is NOT an instructor, will NOT be teaching, and will NOT be grading the students.
7) The fellow position should be used to continue the student’s education, to hone their professional skills, and to provide them with additional learning opportunities.
8) Upon completion of the program, the fellow will receive an additional certificate of completion.
Click below to download Fellowship Application
Tags: aci, aci chefs, aci students, Arizona Culinary Institute, cake decorating, chef wolf, cooking school, culinary education, culinary school, curriculum, fine dining restaurant, management class, scottsdale culinary institute